Why Do We Make This Course Bundle?

All of our courses are suitable for the three month skills section of your DofE.
By combining two of these courses to run one after the other, this will meet the requirements of the six month skills sections.
You will receive your Completion Certificate and Assessor's Report at the end of your six month course.

If You're Looking to Achieve your six month skills section

try this fantastic course combination of two of our most enjoyed courses

The first part of your course will be learning all about Understanding Endangered Species.
You will find out which species are threatened with extinction, which are on the endangered watch list and why animal habitats are under threat.
Learn about the illegal trades in animals as pets and as a resource, and what the future holds for endangered animals.

The second part of this course is a natural extension for anyone who cares about the planet.
Learn how to be a Global Citizen! Through technology and modern travel, we are living in what seems like an ever smaller world and we are all interconnected as never before.
A global citizen takes responsibility for their actions and beliefs and is aware of the world and develops a sense of their role in it.
Take your part in the community from a local to global level and practice your part in valuing diversity and helping others.

At the end of your six month course you will receive your U:Bee Completion Certificate and Assessor's Report, for your DofE Skills Section.
This course is ideal with anyone with an interest in the natural world and planet Earth!

Mother and Baby Gorilla Endangered Species

Reviews From DofE Participants

who chose Endangered Species and Global Citizenship Studies for their Skills Section

"- It was really easily accessible - I found out a lot more about global citizenship than I had already known before. - I enjoyed learning about what I can do to help endangered species"

A.L. Silver DofE Award Participant

"I enjoyed learning about species that I didn't realize were endangered and how endangered some are and about how I can become a global citizen for example get involved in more multi cultural activities"

D.A. Silver DofE Award Participant

"I enjoyed creating mind maps in order to help me explore each subject. More specifically I was fascinated by the endangered animals and how they were being affected throughout their lives, including ways to help and encouraging others to do so. Furthermore, i enjoyed discovering new key terms within the global citizenship section of the course, learning about UN values and aims"

R.L. Gold DofE Award Participant

"I have enjoyed finding out how to care for my world and the animals in it, and I have learned how to be a good global citizen and how to be for environmentally friendly"

O.W. Gold DofE Award Participant

"I loved learning more about what we as individuals can do as a Global Citizen, as well as what we can in conjunction with the rest of our local and larger community. I especially enjoyed finding out more endangered species, as I feel this will be super beneficial moving forward in my career"

G.K. Bronze DofE Award Participant

Doing Your DofE ?

This course meets the standards needed to successfully complete the six month Skills Section of your DofE Programme. Email us if you are choosing this course for your Gold Award and we will send you the extra information you need.

U:Bee Online is an Approved Activity Provider for the skills section of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

Find your approved three and six month courses designed to help you achieve the SKILLS section of the Bronze and Silver Awards.

After finishing your course, you will receive a Personalised Assessor’s Report and a Completion Certificate which is verifiable online.

This course is suitable for a SIX MONTH skills section, to view THREE MONTH courses CLICK HERE

How U:Bee Helps You Achieve Your Skills Section

We want to help you learn new skills. All our courses are written by experts with a passion for their subjects.
This course is delivered over a 6 month period, straight to your U:Bee Dashboard, you will be able to learn, enjoy and practice your new skills.
These are the skills that could help you achieve more: start life-long interests, lead to careers or become your new hobby!
With easy and informative new content delivered to you every week, you'll soon see why U:Bee can help you 'be the best you can be'!
Your U:Bee Completion Certificate and Assessor's Report are proof of your achievement.

  • New Course Content Delivered Weekly to Your U:Bee Student Dashboard

  • Videos, Presentations, Quizzes, Interactive Media and Up-To-Date Content

  • Listen to the U:Bee Weekly Podcast. Interviews With People With a Passion to Learn New Skills

  • Enjoy Your Regular Copy of U:Bee Magazine. Interviews, Reviews and Finding Out How Others Have Taken Their Skills to the Next Level

  • Personalised and Verified Completion Certificate and Assessor's Report

  • Need a Shorter Course? Look for Our Three Month long courses

  • Value For Money and We Are a Not-For-Profit Company so ALL our Profits go to Help Others Learn New Skills

U:Bee Course Price £85

Includes 26 Weeks of Content in Your U:Bee Dashboard, Free and Low Cost Ideas to Develop Your Skills, Bonus Study Material, Weekly Podcast, BUZZ Online Magazine, U:Bee Verifiable Completion Certificate

Do You Need to Know Your Assessor's Name and Contact Details?

Are you filling in your e-DofE or your Leader needs to know?

If you choose this subject for your Skills Section you will receive a detailed email when joining U:Bee Online but if your teacher or Leader needs details of the Assessor, please email us at [email protected] stating which course you are interested in and we will email you back with all the details you need.