Are all the U:Bee Courses suitable for the Skills Section of my DofE Programme?
Yes! U:Bee Online is an Approved Activity Provider for the Skills Section of your DofE programme. This means U:Bee Online Courses meet the requirements of that section. As with all stages of your DofE, we advise that you should always check with your Leader, Licensed Organisation or Teacher and get their approval
How Long Does My Course Last?
The course content is delivered to your U:Bee Learners Dashboard over 12 weeks. One module per week.
Is the cost all inclusive? Do I have to spend more money to complete the course?
No, you don't need to spend anything else to complete the course. The course will give you lots of ideas about things to do or research but it doesn't mean you have to spend more money.
What proof do I have that I have successfully completed my course?
When you begin your course, you will be provided with the information you need to update your eDofE. Once you have completed the content every week, along with the knowledge check quizzes, you will receive a U:Bee Completion Certificate. These have a checkable number on them, so you can use this as proof you have completed your course successfully. You will also receive a personalised Assessor's Report which you can upload to your eDofE. We will also manually sign off your eDofE section if you would prefer that.
Do I need permission to sign up for the course?
If you are under 16, a nominated parent or guardian must give permission for you to use U:Bee. This is in our terms and conditions.
Do you comply with all the latest privacy laws?
Your privacy and security are top priority for us. Everything we do is based around collecting the minimum information we need to offer our services. We never cross-sell data to other companies. We use best quality solutions to any software we need to use to bring you your U:Bee Course.
What charities do you help?
We are a 'not for profit company'. This means all the profits we make (after our running costs are paid) are donated to charity. The charities we help are involved with education and young people. If you would like to suggest a charity that we could help, please email us.
What happens if I change my mind? Can I get my money back?
We understand that circumstances can change and you may decide you no longer need your U:Bee Online course. If you change your mind up to 30 days after purchase, we can refund your money but we can only offer this refund if you HAVE NOT accessed the information in your course. This is a normal refund condition with information courses, so we advise you to check the course is suitable for your needs. Once we have refunded your purchase you would not be entitled to any certificate or Assessor's report.
Can I contact you with more questions?
Yes, of course. Please use the pop-up form at the bottom of this page and one of our course advisors will help you.
DofE Three Month Skills Course: Tropical Fish Appreciation and Aquarium Skills
CourseTropical fish keeping is an exciting hobby but it takes time and knowledge! Learn about the varieties of fish and how to have a flourishing aquarium in this easy to follow three month course from U:Bee.
DofE Three Month Skills Course: Understanding Endangered Species
CourseWhat if wild animals were just memories? It would be a sad legacy to allow animals to become extinct in our lifetime. Learn about animals nearing the brink of extinction and what we can do to save them. Discover more and how you can help.
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